Find your tools for a future-proof process:
Innovation Workshops activating all skills. Guiding HE & R&D&I growing originality. Knowledge Events spend time in exchange mode. Curation and Conversation combine aesthetics and real worlds challenges. All formats tailored to your needs and offered with English or German or Danish as working language. Get in touch
Innovation Workshops
Fast Forward Future Game - Slowing down accelerates ideas
Develop ideas of substance or exchange about next steps.
Give everyone time and opportunity to formulate questions, to talk and to listen. You discuss in depth, write down core issues, then throw a dice, deepen understanding and opinions. The Fast Forward Future Game is developed in-house and successfully tested in very diverse contexts.
Kick-Off before the Kick-Off - Prepare projects in an open mindset
Expand chances for success by spending a day in an open mindset preparing for the project start.
With a well prepared day you check expectations, ideas and competencies. We guarantee that the Kick-Off before the Kick-Off enhances the outcomes of the following project.
Unique - Prototype access to talent
Materialise your team's individual, professional capacities.
How do you discover unique professional drive and ideas? The answer is together and in 4D - design, discuss, decide, develop. Starting with high quality material input we tailor opportunities, visualise, act, and shape, central challenges of a team in a physical space. With hands-on prototyping group-members share insights and access talents that may remain hidden in a screen-orientated, line-by-line world. The workshops focus on tactics of Open Collaborative Innovation and draw on methods of action research. Participants find common denominators and develop that important connecting interface.
Guiding HE and RDI
Innovation Bridge - Building individual creativity between research and practice
Support employee focus on skills and creativity in a long term sustainable process.
Do you want to actively contribute to employees’ individual work-satisfaction, creativity/knowledge management and exchange? Innovation Bridge is a lean, content-focused format with scouting, coaching, and idea-mapping. Participants develop and enhance the sense and understanding of their creative potential.
Future Education - Expand curiosity and learning, bridge analogue and digital
Reflect, design or optimise educational processes.
Test and support best case scenarios for current ways of learning. The focus is on transformative learning processes and critical thinking in Higher Education. The consultancy is based on the experience from designing educational processes and from action research. The world is our classroom and testing is practice.
Idea Mapping - New angles on your true capital
Reach new insights with a mapping of ideas and research in your company.
Sometimes good ideas hide in plain sight. An external imaginative view of your research and the opportunities for connecting specialists gives you a valuable impulse to look at your assets.
Knowledge Events
Future Agora - Simple, elegant, meaningful. A new generation of conferences
Create engaging, open, and seriously sustainable conferences.
What does it take to hold a successful and sustainable conference? A generous space: This could be a forest or a field or a barn or a HUGE storage space. A lively group: If you look for new ideas, you may also want to invite people outside the field, people with different ideas? Good Food: Simple dishes make everyone happy if the spices are right and there is enough for those who are hungry. We have the network to prepare, coordinate and implement your new sustainable conference.
Silo Hopping- Find your hidden assets
Improve communication across working groups in real time. Seriously playful.
Idea dating or research journes whichever term you prefer - silo hopping will surprise and energise you. Based on in-depth preparation, we take you on a day of exploring all the ideas and projects happening just around the corner. As an innovation scout in your own institution or company you exchange about interests with curious colleagues.
Temporary Thought Collective - The informal professional gathering
Explore your research mindset and take new steps in an informal format.
When and how is work most giving? Combining leisure and professional reflection opens us to discussing such basic questions. In the Temporary Thought Collective we share ideas and calibrate them with what is possible. The original concept of the “Denkkollektiv” is formulated by the medical doctor, scientist, and philosopher of science, Ludwik Fleck (1896-1961). He refers to the potential of a group thinking and working intensively on a theme of common interest for a period of time, as he observed it in science. In fact, collectives are always temporary. New contexts appear and new constellations form, paradigms change. Next coming up in Niederrickenbach. Contact to plan your own.
Curation and Conversation
Specialist Conversations - The art of dialogue
Connecting art and research opens new venues.
Conversation are about listening, discussing, understanding other viewpoints, and coming up with new shared thoughts in the process. We develop the Art of Dialogue with your team and practitioners, artists and makers. A meeting as a 'salon', or conversations in an art space, cultivate a concentrated basis for the analogue exchange. And we know this is essential today and to sustain optimistic urgency.
... Including Art - Add depth, focus, outlook with art in the workplace
Encounters with art in the workspace.
Involving artist and inventive individuals enable a world-resonance no AI can deliver. Let's find ways to engage creativity and consolidated bodily experience to reach better and grounded solutions.
Finding Form - Making attitudes accessible
Let's curate your collection, edit texts or publications on art.
Art - giving abstract ideas form - is the essential tool to lift thinking, culture, life. Go-betweens are often needed to connect the spheres. Finding Form channels aesthetic production into a practical context.